It started off very slowly. Once graduation from Samford's MBA program occurred on May 15, the common question I received was "What's next?" followed by "What will you do with all of your free time?" To be honest, I have about 1.5 years of shtuff that has gone undone so I'm estimating it will be at least 1.5 years before I actually see any free time. So by then maybe I'll figure out what spare time is and what you do with it. The initial two questions were followed by a statement of opinion, or wish, and it typically went like this: "Why don't you take some time and update that stupid blog of yours. You know I subscribed to being a follower of it once you promised you were going to continue it and then NOTHING. I don't just follow people around for nothing, you know." I am amazed at the exact three questions asked in a row by more than 20 of my friends (I didn't realize 20 people even read the first 2 posts)! Let's see.....what will Erin do with her free time...I know! She can update that freaking blog. Not volunteer, work on knitting, but UPDATE THE BLOG. NOW. I have two friends that have even gone as far to suggest specific topics to be addressed on the blog; I was also given the instruction that it wasn't good enough to string them all together, each topic needed to have it's own entry on the blog. I would also like to point out that of the 20 friends that have hounded me over the past two weeks to update the blog, only ONE of them actually has her own blog. Hmmm....somewhat hypocritical...yes?
So, graduate school is over, I'm giving in to peer pressure, and will be resurrecting the blog with at least a weekly post. I realize I have just made the day of at least 20 people. So kick back, and enjoy the past few months of my life. Apparently you die hards crave information!!!
Congratulations on your MBA! Hope all is going well for you. Are you coming back to Peoria for the CLS reunion in July? Hope to see you sometime! Check out my blog when you have time - www.modersbaton.blogspot.com.
I'm looking forward to reading your blog to see what you are up to this summer! Have a great summer!
YAY! Isn't it about time!? I'm pumped your starting back up, even if it was due to peer pressure!
You're behind on your weekly post already! It's only week two!
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